2015 Tax Scams
2015 Tax Scams
Each tax season, the IRS cautions the public to be wary of becoming the victim of a tax scam. They do
this by publishing a list, appropriately named the “Dirty Dozen,” which identifies the most common
practices used by criminals to confiscate the tax refunds of innocent taxpayers. Because these thieves
are creative and are continually devising new methods of trickery and deceit, the list is published anew
each year. A previous year’s list might not include all of the latest tricks of the game! The following
paragraphs describe some of the most prevalent scams being used this tax season.
One of the most common methods used by scammers to defraud innocent taxpayers is to contact them
by telephone, pretending to be the IRS. In response to the rise of this activity, the IRS has issued
statements informing the public that they never contact taxpayers by telephone. If someone calls
claiming to be an IRS representative and asking for (or demanding) money, they suggest simply hanging
up the phone without further conversation. The thieves have even gone so far as to devise a method for
making the IRS phone number appear on the potential victim’s caller ID! Such phone scams often target
immigrants by demanding money and claiming that an arrest may be made or deportation arranged if
money is not exchanged. They also, target the elderly, a segment of the population that tends to be
more gullible.
Tax scammers are also quite skilled at defrauding taxpayers via email. In fact, their emails have become
so sophisticated that they often show such private information as the last four digits of the potential
victim’s social security number. Because these fraudulent emails frequently contain accurate personal
data, the people receiving them actually believe that they have been sent by the IRS. They often
respond by sending such things as checking account numbers and credit card information. This has been
a serious problem, resulting in the loss of significant amounts of money by trusting taxpayers. The IRS
has repeatedly announced that if they need to get in touch with someone, they will send a certified
letter via the United States Postal Service (or by regular mail if it is not an urgent tax issue). They have
cautioned taxpayers that they will never contact them by either phone or email.
Tax scammers usually wait until the opening of tax season to kick these fraudulent activities, collectively
labeled as “phishing” into high gear. It is then that they turn up the heat, introducing new and more
sophisticated techniques designed to pose as the IRS in order to get the addresses, social security
numbers, bank account numbers, debit card numbers and other valuable personal information from
innocent taxpayers. Over the years, these criminals have caused some serious damage, stealing an
estimated $14 million from unassuming victims. The IRS is constantly receiving calls regarding this
matter and has many different links on its website informing the public of the current “phishing”
activities and how to avoid falling prey to them.
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